Saturday 26 November 2011

Life in The Information Age - How Offices Have Changed

An office is a perfect example of how far the world has come in the last 40 years, especially in the technological state.

When looking at pictures of a 1960’s office you can see how different it is compared to a modern office of today. You can see that there are no computers and there are a lot of papers and files stacked all over the office. You can also see that there are basic calculators in the background that are much bigger than the typical scientific calculators that you would see today.

Towards the 1980’s, computers were invited into the office and were seen as one of the biggest luxuries any office could have. Although they were seen as a luxury, they still had nothing on the computers of today, they had CRT monitors without decent software like Windows, instead they would have MS-DOS software, and they did have hard drives but they still did not have a lot on memory to store lots of things on the computers so lots of paper would still have to be used. As the 1980’s went on the software on computers was forever growing and creating advanced graphics for users to enjoy the experience of using a computer much more, another feature that was introduced was the growth of the memory that was included with new and improved computers.

During the 1990’s the world of computers in the office were at an all time high and with the memory included increasing it was helping files to be stored electronically on the computers and reduce the amount of paper having to be used around the office. In the year of 1995 was the introduction of both the Windows operating software and Internet Explorer proving that the growth of the computers and software used in the office was really beginning to be a great help and making some jobs much easier.

Ever since the 1990’s the use of computers in the office has grown massively with the introduction of smart phones and devices being used to do the majority of things that some computers are able to do. The introductions of Windows 7 and Windows Vista have proved how far things have come from the introduction of Windows 95 in the 1990’s.

It obviously is a massive advantage for everyone and offices across the world but it does come with its disadvantages such as causing loss of jobs due to technology being able to do such jobs more efficiently that humans. 

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