Thursday 24 November 2011

Life in The Infomation Age

Since computers were invented, every year that goes by something new in the information age is introduced into the world we know.
What is information? Information is the idea of computing and telecommunications, the more information something holds the more powerful it is. 
Without information we would never be in the same technological state we are at this present time, we would have no such things as computers, telephones, Internet, nor would we have things that allow people to travel either near or far, things such as cars, boats and planes, the list of things that we would not have and not be able to do without information is endless.

Information has changed the world that we live in today, it has changed things that wouldn’t be expected to change, things like culture and language in the sense that now we can learn things about different cultures online and find out more information that may change the way people think about culture. Information has generally changed the thinking process of people and how they use different technology to go about their lives.

Working Styles:
Working styles have changed dramatically due to the information age and generally more information and technology being invented making jobs and facilities much easier to use and more convenient to work in. One of the most notable places of work that have changed due technology and the information age would be offices.
Before technology there were many more jobs in places such as offices, factories and banks. Office jobs have been lost such as many typists losing their jobs due to word processing technology who only needs one person controlling it, payroll clerks have lost jobs due to the one person that is needed to input the data into a spreadsheet and calculating the payroll that way, and many clerks that would, before technology, sort out the files in filing cabinets and other such things can now be replaced by one person using a database on a computer system.
Jobs in factories have been lost due to the skilled technicians and machinists being replaced by computer controlled robots which can work faster, longer and more consistently than the workers could, many monitoring jobs have been lost due to data logging equipment that use sensors being invented and many quality control jobs that would have involved things such as routine sampling have been lost due to being replaced by automatic machines.
This is a obvious disadvantage to the information age but it does also create jobs as well, jobs such as engineers are in high demand to build and maintain the quality of the machines and more skilled workers are needed to operate the systems and the new computerised machinery.  

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